
A portal appears in the corner of the room,
bringing far flung family and friends whom
you would otherwise never see.
Bringing drama of hatches, matches, and dispatches,
how jobs are going, who’s itching their scratches.
All related over cake and tea.
And when it’s done and you’re up-to-date,
your guests return and you have to wait.
Intermission seeming leisurely.
Eventually it closes never to return.
Tragedy of separation. However you yearn
for reversal of this catastrophe.
This? It just cannot be…
Fury at the perfidy…
Can we parley?

Another portal appears in the corner of the room…

One rumination on “Portal

Bye-bye Babylon 5, Bartowskis, Beiderbecke trilogy, Bodyguards, and Bugs (/jk).

Ciao Casey, Chuck, and Coupling.

Do svidaniya Dexter and Dollhouse

Farewell Firefly.

So long Sherlock.

Auf Wiedersehen Walker and White Collar.

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