“A New Christmas Tradition?” drafts

Drafts of “A New Christmas Tradition”

2020-12-07 20:34

# A New Christmas Tradition?
(Not suitable for consumption by vegans or vegetarians)

It’s strange.
Before family’s estranged, and pre-present exchange1,
we never change how we arrange certain meats in the range.
Goose can be post-toast, and of course turkey is foremost,
but for pork on your fork most tables don’t boast a roast.
Snaffling sausages and bacon, and your Uncle huffing
concerning the nuts in the traditional stuffing scuffling.
Where’s the beef?
Vow now to allow to not have a cow;
when ploughing through chow have a hog or a sow.
A plucked duck doesn’t suck if you don’t give a fig,
but why not go big for the shindig regarding the pig?
Get cracking on the nerve-racking menu you’re tackling,
and if you’re backing lip-smacking then release the crackling!2


1 And cream before jam obviously!
2 And to answer the inevitable question – the 80’s version of course!



# A New Christmas Tradition?
(Not suitable for consumption by vegans or vegetarians)

It’s strange.
Before family’s estranged and pre-present exchange1
we don’t change how we arrange certain meats in the range.
Goose can be post-toast and, of course, turkey is foremost,
but for pork on your fork most tables don’t boast a roast.
Snaffling sausages and bacon, and your Uncle huffing
concerning the nuts in the traditional stuffing scuffling.
A plucked duck doesn’t suck if you don’t give a fig.
Why don’t we go big for the shindig regarding the pig?
Where’s the beef? Vow now to allow to not have a cow;
when ploughing through chow have a hog or a sow.

cracking, slacking, hacking, packing, lip-smacking, snacking, wracking,
attacking, nerve-racking, backing
??? and the menu you’re tackling
??? and release the crackling!2

1 And cream before jam obviously!
2 And to answer the inevitable question – the 80’s version obviously!


2020-12-02 22:44

# Release the Crackling

Xmas poem? Festive pork is more often sausages, bacon & stuffing, but then
perhaps that’s why the roast needs releasing.

(Any connection to the just released so-called Kraken documents?)

we roast a whole bunch of animals but…
[(in relation to pork] most tables don’t boast a roast


2020-11-30 21:46

# Release the Crackling

Xmas poem? Festive pork is more often sausages, bacon & stuffing, but then
perhaps that’s why the roast needs releasing.

(Any connection to the just released so-called Kraken documents?)